Transforming and Exporting Your Data in OpenRefine

This tutorial covers the following:

  • Transforming your data in OpenRefine

  • Exporting your analyzed and reviewed data


You can transform your data, such as filling in missing values, and combining or splitting existing columns, to name a few operations, using OpenRefine. Here are the step-by-step instructions for transforming your data.

Data Analysis: Transform your data

  • You can use the “Split into columns” feature to change raw data into columns. Click on the arrow icon next to the column name and select “Edit cells” > “Split into columns.” You can choose the separator character and preview the split columns before applying the changes.
  • You can use the “Split into several columns” feature to split a column into multiple columns. Click on the arrow icon next to the column name and select “Edit cells” > “Split into several columns.” You can choose the separator character and the number of columns to split the data into.
  • You can use the “Join multi-valued cells” feature to join multiple columns into a single column. Select the columns you want to join and click the arrow icon next to the names. Select “Edit cells” > “Join multi-valued cells.” You can choose the separator character between the values in the joined column.
  • Once the necessary changes have been made, you can apply the changes by clicking on the “Apply” button at the top of the screen.
  • To edit the content of cells, you can use the “Edit cells” feature. Click on the arrow icon next to the column name and select “Edit cells” > “Common transforms.” You can perform various operations such as trimming whitespace, changing the case, replacing text, etc.

Video: This video demonstrates how to install OpenRefine on a mac computer, providing a quick step-by-step guide for users.

Export your analyzed data

  • Click the “Export” button in the screen’s top right corner.
  • You can choose the format to export your data in the drop-down menu.
  • Once the format is selected, choose the options for the export. You can choose whether to export all rows or only the ones that match a particular filter, and you can also select which columns to include in the export.
  • Click on the “Export” button to start the export process. Congratulations, you successfully used OpenRefine to clean and analyze your data!!!

Video: This video demonstrates how to install OpenRefine on a mac computer, providing a quick step-by-step guide for users.