1930-1950 Evidence Mounts Linking Cigarettes and Cancer
Scientific research began to show a definite link between smoking and increased rates of cancer. -
About the Authors
We did this thing -
Appeal to Emotion
Celebrity Endorsement
Cigarettes: Advertising, Fake News and Fighting Science Conclusions and Questions
Cigarettes and Popular Media
Cigarettes Works Cited
Wild Man Conclusion
Conspiring to Fight Science
Faced with mounting evidence linking cancer and smoking, the U.S. tobacco companies formed a conspiracy to produce studies that would cast doubt on research. -
"I Have Convinced Myself": The Cottingley Fairies and the Desire to Believe
CF0 -
CF2 -
The Game Is Afoot
CF1 -
(Dis)Believing What You See
CF4 -
Cottingley Fairies: Gallery
very realism, much convincing -
In Too Deep
CF3 -
Cottingley Fairies Table of Contents
Works Cited
CF References -
Create Doubt
Edward Jenner and the Cowpox Vaccine: Illustrating a Cure for Public Epidemics
Explore Themes in this Exhibit
The Tobacco Industry and Cigarettes in the United States: Early Beginnings to 1920
The tobacco industry embraced advertising early in the 20th century to sell their product, mainly targeted to men. -
Fight Science
Flappers and Cigarettes: Smoking Becomes Acceptable in Women
After World War One, women demand more equality and freedom, and take up cigarette smoking. Cigarette manufacturers see an opportunity. They begin advertising campaigns targeting women that emphasize characteristics or emotions: desire to be like celebrities, glamorous, wealthy. -
Follow the Money
Fake News: Disinformation, Deception, and Magical Thinking Over Time
Improved Index of Pages and Media -
Information is not objective – Can we be inoculated against bad arguments?
Light a Torch for Freedom!
Cigarette manufacturers attempt to influence public opinion on women smoking in public. -
Playing with the Fairies
CF1.1 -
Princess Mary's Gift Book
conan doyle note -
Covid - 19: Real Debates and Fake News
Compare the first photo to the illustration in Princess Mary's Gift Book
Slider comparison of the first photo and the illustration from Princess Mary's Gift Book -
Smallpox and Inoculation: An Early Debate in Public Health
The Stories
The Wild Man, Big Foot: Why do we want to believe?
The Wild Man Legend Won't Die
This is my sample annotation
Cigarettes: Advertising, Fake News and Fighting Science
The tobacco industry in the United States saw huge increases in sales in the 20th century. Industry leaders were early adopters of both advertising, public relations and more subtle forms of product promotion. As research mounted linking cancer to smoking, the industry started a campaign to fight the scientific evidence. -
Going Viral: Disinformation and the Smallpox Vaccine
Can we prevent fake news from going viral?
Why oppose vaccines?
Wild Man Works Cited
Connecticut's Own Bigfoot: The Winsted Wild Man
Winsted Fights Back: The Social Reactions
Works Cited
Ann Davis, the cow-poxed, cornuted old woman, whose portrait is in the British museum.
"Anti-Vaccination's Second Round"
Edward Jenner. An Inquiry Into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae
Flappers: The birth of the 20th-century woman
Short video segment showing flappers and smoking. -
Coronavirus Fraud Arrest
LA News 4 Story March 28, 2020 -
A Frank Statement
A Frank Statement Draft Page 1
Draft of A Frank Statement with edits -
A Frank Statement Draft Page 2
Excerpt from the Frank Statement draft showing deletion of a key phrase. -
A Frank Statement to the Public by the Makers of Cigarettes
Final version of the ad as released -
A Frank Statement to the Public by the Makers of Cigarettes early version with edits
An original draft of the famous ad announcing the creation of the Tobacco Research Institute -
A Wild Man
Advertisement Camels "I'll be right over"
Advertisement for Health Camels
Advertisement for Lucky Strike "It's Toasted"
Advertisement for Lucky Strike "Smoking and Throat Protection"
Claims from doctor survey linking toasting to reduced throat irritation -
Advertisement for Lucky Strikes "Do You Inhale"
Advertisement: Get a Lift with a Camel
Camels advertisement touting health advantages. "Literally relieves fatigue" -
Advertisement "I'm going to live to be 100"
Advertisement "Lady with a Lamp"
Advertisement Lucky Strikes Keep Me From Getting Fat
Advertisement "More Doctors Smoke Camels"
Anti-Vaccination League
Bad News logo
Bette Davis and Paul Henreid in Now Voyager
Camels Ad 1929
Cancer by the Carton
Article in Readers' Digest reporting on scientific research linking cancer and smoking -
Chronic Fatigue Paper Called Into Questions
Wall Street Journal May 31 2011 -
Cigarette Advertisement Lawn Tennis
Advertisement: MURAD CIGARETTES. (1906, Jun 16). Town & Country, 61, 2. Retrieved from -
Cigarette Advertisement for Camels Testimonial Society Women
Cigarette Advertisement for Fatima
College Football Game Celebration -
Cigarette Advertisement for Lucky Strike Showing Bowling
Men smoking cigarettes rolled from tobacco leaf and bowling, women look on. -
Cigarette Advertisement for Lucky Strike Showing Golfers
Men smoke pipes and golf while women look on. -
Cigarette Advertisement Testimonial "For the Elegant Life"
Cigarette Advertisement "Women Are Free!"
Lucky Strike Advertisement -
Claude A. Shepperson's artwork illustrating "A Spell for a Fairy"
Connecticut's Wild Man Sentenced. He Lived in a Hut and Stole, and Now He Will Go to Prison
"Connecticut's Wild Man Sentenced." From the New York Herald, October 11, 1895. -
Coronavirus False Story
A nobel laureate's name used to spread a story about the origin of the novel coronavirus -
Detail of Frances with the Fairies (wide)
Detroit Democrats Censure Lawmaker
Detroit News April 27, 2020 -
Detroit News April 27, 2020
Donald Trump and Elon Musk Think Chloroquine Is the Answer to Coronavirus, But What Is It?
News 18 India Report on Must, Trump Drug Endorsements -
Analysis of Employees of the Austrian Railway Company during the Smallpox Outbreak of 1873
Dr. Leander Joseph Keller -
Dr. Osler's Challenge to the Anti-Vaccinationists
Called "The father of Modern Medicine," Dr. Osler challenges anti-vaccinationists on the ability to prevent smallpox without vaccination in this 1914 editorial -
Dr. Osler's Challenge to the Anti-Vaccinationists
Called "The father of Modern Medicine," Dr. Osler challenges anti-vaccinationists on the ability to prevent smallpox without vaccination in this 1914 editorial -
Easter Sun Finds the Past in Shadow at Modern Parade
New York Times description of Easter Sunday Parade 1929 -
Edited Frank Statement Five
Edited Frank Statement Four
Edited Frank Statement One
Edited Frank Statement Six
Edited Frank Statement Three
Edited Frank Statement Two
Edith Lee with Dog
At the 1929 Easter Parade, New York City. She holds a cigarette. -
Edward Jenner Vaccinating Patients Against Smallpox
Eggers Journal of Cancer Research 1928
Early article reporting increased cancer mortality in the US population -
Evidence Pyramid
CDC Talk Evidence-Based Practice: What It Is and Why It Matters -
Fake Vaccines
Federal court bans Bradenton 'church' from selling bleach as miracle COVID-19 cure News May 6, 2020 -
Fifth and Final Photo of the Fairies and Their Sun-Bath
Fight Club
First Photo of Frances with Fairies
Flapper Cartoon
Cartoon from Ladies Home Journal April 1925. Flapper with cigarette addresses her aunt. -
Fourth Photo of Fairy Offering Posy of Harebells to Elsie
Frances Griffiths and Elsie Wright
Taken in June 1918 -
Freak Market Active
"Freak Market Active." New York Herald, August 22, 1895. -
High Profile Endorsements
Hunting a Wild Man: Winsted Woods Scoured Sunday
"Hunting a Wild Man." New Haven Register, August 26, 1895. -
I got the idea from Florenz Ziegfeld
Print advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes featuring a celebrity endorsement. -
joelle photo
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Atlantic Monthly article describing the work of Dr. John Ioannidis on the validity of medical research studies -
Local Physician Accused
NBC San Diego News 7 April 18, 2020 -
Mary Photo
Mary Photo
Massachusetts' Peril. the Wild Man of Connecticut Will Invade the State-a Note of Warning from Winsted
"Massachusetts' Peril." Boston Journal, September 13, 1895. -
Nancy Hale Hardin and Husband Taylor Scott Hardin
Easter Day Parade 1929, 5th Avenue New York City. She holds a cigarette. -
New York Times Thumb
Trump and Musk Hydroxychloroquine Endorsements Tied to 1300 Percent Spike in Google Searches About Buying Drug
Newsweek April 29, 2020 -
New York Times 1929
Per capita consumption of different forms of tobacco in the United States, 1880 to 2011.
Per capita consumption of different forms of tobacco in the United States, 1880 to 2011. Chapter 13 The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US); 2014. -
Presidential Briefing April 13 2020
Remarks from U.S. President Trump at Covid-19 press briefing -
Princess Mary's Gift illustration (wide)
Pulp Fiction
Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet
Lucky Strike print advertisement touting weight loss -
Readers Digest Cancer by the Carton
Full reprint of article that summarized medical research linking cancer and cigarette smoking. -
Reign of Terror: Connecticut Wild Man Sits All night on Mrs. Culver's Doorstep
"Reign of Terror" from Boston Journal, September 4, 1895 -
Retracted Article from Science Magazine by Judy Mikovits
aaa -
Second Photo of Elsie with Winged Gnome
Smoke Gets in The News Life Magazine p. 21
Article in Life Magazine, December 21, 1954 -
Smoke Gets in the News Life Magazine p. 20
Life Magazine article reporting on scientific research linking cancer and cigarettes. -
Stone of Winsted
A full page feature on Louis Stone ran in the San Francisco call on August 21, 1910. It describes his personality, lifestyle, and news stories he tended to invent. -
Testimonial Advertisement Compson
Advertisement: Lucky strike cigarettes (american tobacco co.). Actress Betty Compson. Includes tag line" For a slender figure 'Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet'" -
Testimonial Advertisement Earhart
Advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes, Amelia Earhart -
That Miracle Cure You Saw on Facebook? It Won't Stop the Coronavirus
New York Times March 18, 2020 -
The Bigfoot Sketch Project
Image from, accessed 2/26/2020 -
The Case Against the Little White Slaver
Cover of book written by Henry Ford, from the Internet Archive -
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
The Joker
The New-England Courant
Number 20, 11-18 December 1721. Courtesy Massachusetts Historical Society -
The Use of Preliminary Scientific Evidence in Public Health A Case Study of XMRV
PLOS Medicine 2014 Vol 11 (4) -
The Wild Man Scares them All
"The Wild Man Scares them All." New York herald, August 25, 1895. -
Third Photo of Francis and the Leaping Fairy
Virginia Slims Advertisement
Virginia Slims advertisement from the 1960's showcasing a made up "historic" event when a woman was punished for smoking. Tag line You've Come a Long Way" -
Virus Conspiracists Elevate a New Champion
New York Times May 9, 2020 -
Where There's Smoke There's Fire
Full-length illustration of a fashionably dressed flapper standing with one hand on her hip and a cigarette in the other hand. A stream of smoke from the cigarette forms a curving, twisting, decorative line. -
Wild Man Scares them All
"The Wild Man Scares them All." New York herald, August 25, 1895. (excerpt) -
"Wild Man" Still at Large. Dog Danger Was Turned upon Him and Hasn't Recovered Yet
"'Wild Man' Still at Large." New York Herald, September 5, 1895. -
Winsted Wild Man 1933
Artistic rendering of the Winsted Wild Man by Louis Biedermann. From the San Francisco Chronicle, 16 Apr. 1933, p. 8. -
Winsted's Mystery Solved. the "Wild Man" Now Believed to be an Escaped Gorilla
"Winsted's Mystery Solved." (Excerpt) New Haven Register, August 30, 1895. -
Cigarette time. An American Red Cross Worker distributing cigarettes and tobacco to wounded.
Red Cross worker distributing cigarettes to wounded soldiers. He chose Lucky Strikes. -
"The Diagnosis of Smallpox"
Ricketts, T. F, Casell and Company, 1908 Plate XV, Young boy with smallpox showing the distribution of smallpox scabs before and after falling from the body. -
Virginia Slims Advertising Study
Advertising industry conducted interviews of women on their perception of the "you've come a long way baby campaign." -
While You Were Streaming
A short film from The Truth Initiative showing smoking in popular streaming media