Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling Methods

This page contains softwares, sample projects, and resources on the following storytelling tools and approaches: 



Audacity is a free, open-source, cross-platform audio software. This software can help uses record, edit, and export audio for dialogue or music-based projects. Sample projects made using Audacity might include original music, podcasts, voice-overs, etc.

Example Project

Credit: Hannah Ward ’20 “Across the Pond and then Some” podcast

Related Tools:


Anchor is a free audio hosting service that allows you to create and distribute podcasts.

Get Started:



Kaltura is a video streaming tool that allows students and faculty to create and share media content from anywhere and any device. 

Example Project:

Credit: Olivia Curreri, “Stress at Trinity”

Get Started:

Related Tools:


KMS Go – is Kaltura’s lightweight mobile app that can easily capture and upload audio, video, or still images to your My Media collection on Kaltura. The app is a free download from the app stores for either Android or iPhone. When prompted, enter the site URL and login with your Trinity credentials.

Knight Lab Storytelling Tools:

StoryMap JS

StoryMap JS creates maps that tell stories. StoryMap JS allows for two different kinds of exhibits or stories: one that maps space and one that maps an image. You will find examples of both below.

Example Projects:

A story told across geographic space:

StoryMap from Trinity’s Primus Project

Mapping an image to tell a story:

StoryMap from the “Fake News: Disinformation, Deception, and Magical Thinking Over Time” exhibit.

Get Started:

Timeline JS

Timeline JS is a Knight Lab tool that creates dynamic timelines.

Example Project:

“Coltsville National Historic Park” by previous PHC team

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Social Media


Canva is a free cloud-based graphic design tool.

Example Project:

Credit: Graphic from the “Compost, Trash, Recycle” campaign. CHER.

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Web Design

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is a cloud-based media creation application that makes it easy for anyone to create impressive social media graphics, promotional videos, and single-page websites. One of its great features is that it can be accessed from any device with online access.

Example Project

Caroline Munn ’21, “Coeducation at Trinity: Evolution of the Female Field Hockey Bantam”

Get Started:


WordPress is a free and open source website builder. Trinity faculty, students, and staff have the ability to create WordPress sites as part of our Domains of One’s Own installation. Please see the tutorials below on how to set up a Domain’s account and how to create a WordPress site.

Example Project

The Caribbean Anti-Colonial Thought Archive Project

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