Oral History

Oral history projects often rely on different kinds of digital tools that perform a range of tasks: audio/video editing/processing/streaming, collection management, exhibit, user experience, and transcription. Find suggested tools by type below followed by further resources.

Example Project

Voices of Migration Oral History Project – Watkinson Library, Trinity College

Digital Tools

Audio Capture/Editing/Processing Software


Audacity is a free, open-source, cross-platform audio software. This software can help uses record, edit, and export audio for dialogue or music-based projects. Sample projects made using Audacity might include original music, podcasts, voice-overs, etc.

Collection Management, Exhibit, User Experience

Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS)

Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS) is a web-based system that  provides users word-level search capability and a time-correlated transcript or indexed interview connecting the textual search term to the corresponding moment in the recorded interview online. Created by the Louie B. Nunn Center at the University of Kentucky Libraires


Omeka is a free, open source web publishing system for online digital archives. Its main focus/strength is producing websites and online exhibitions.

Get Started


WordPress is a free and open source website builder. Trinity faculty, students, and staff have the ability to create WordPress sites as part of our Domains of One’s Own installation. Please see the tutorials below on how to set up a Domain’s account and how to create a WordPress site.

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Digital Preservation


Exactly is a free and open source application that is easy-to-use for remotely and safely transferring any digital data from a sender to a recipient. Exactly allows recipients to create customized metadata templates for senders to fill out before submission. Exactly can send email notifications with transfer data and manifests when files have been delivered to the archive.


MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.



Otter.ai is a AI-powered transcription service (free transcription available for limited hours of audio)


Trint is an AI-powered transcription service. Order transcriptions using a Trinity subscription here

Video Editing/Processing/Streaming


Kaltura is a video streaming tool that allows students and faculty to create and share media content from anywhere and any device.

Get Started:

Further Resources