Amy Ky is a double major in studio arts and neuroscience. She enjoys experimenting with new shapes and forms with different types of media and seeing where the journey takes her. She is particularly interested in the expression of human behavior.
Artwork: Concrete Thoughts
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Artist Statement
My work explores the concept of gesture and framework by taking 2-D gesture drawings and translating them into 3-D sculptures; pencil lines become tangible structures with newly profound properties. Gesture drawings are not meant to be realistic nor abstract, but rather they are suggestive of basic form and movement. The lines produced may be quick and abrupt or slow and loose. Curvy lines can create a perception of carelessness and freedom whereas straight lines can produce a sense of tightness and restriction.
The media I choose to use is aluminum wire and wood. Aluminum wire is a lightweight material that is flexible and malleable. Wood, on the other hand, is a straight and unyielding material that lends to structure stability. I can bend the wire in whatever shape or form I envision similar to free-hand drawing. This idea of freedom—freedom of movement, freedom of process, like that of the direct action of pencil to paper—is what is at the core of this project.
I want my sculpture to operate at the interaction between their physical materiality and the space they live in. Each figure will hold its very own character and convey a unique presence. Expression is projected by the movement and placement of varying shapes and forms within the anatomy of the figure. Tense figures will be seen as tightly compact in an almost anxiety-inducing way while confident figures will be opening up their bodies to the world in a powerful stance. What humans and other animals show externally can be revealing of their internal reality, the interior self.
“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein