Doris Wang is a studio arts and Mathematics major. She is from Yangzhou, China, and will continue pursuing her graduate study in Interaction Design Track at California College of Arts.
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Artist Statement
These paintings are an emotional response to my intense experience of quarantine during the Covid pandemic. The goal is to create images that portray the loneliness, disconnection, and helplessness that characterized this difficult time.
I never imagined one day, I would not be able to do so many things I have always taken for granted. Go to class, have spring break, go to the gym, actually see friends, have in-person meetings, or have parties. Four plane tickets were ordered to fly home to China but all of them had to be canceled. Most of my friends are international students and probably would not return to the United States meaning I did not know if and when I would see them again. In these moments, I felt disconnected from and discarded by the world.
These are the moments I portray in my paintings. The images I create enable me to share my own, unique mental and emotional state during the quarantine period. My hope is that my paintings will make a connection with a viewer’s own experiences from this shared human tragedy.