In the top right corner of the page, you’ll see a link to “log in”
Click on that and either log in to an existing Wikipedia account, or sign up for a new one.
Note: You can select the language you’d like to edit in on this page using a drop down menu (English is the default setting in our region):
You will be prompted to agree to some authorizations for Wikipedia to add you to the event dashboard. Click “allow.”
On the bottom right, you’ll see a box with “join program.” Select that, and then you can add yourself as an editor.
If you know what artist page you’d like to edit, navigate there and our dashboard will track your edits as part of our events. Feel free to refer to our research resources page for research support.
If you’re new to this subject, click on the “articles” tab to find pages in need of edits.
Tip: If you are new to editing, start with easier tasks like adding links to other Wikipedia pages and/or adding citations. Refer to our “How to Edit” page for instructions on how to get started.