Playing Indian
The Nelsons well knew that claiming lands entailed the death and expulsion of prior inhabitants. Walter recalls:
Playing Indian was the most exciting game we played in those days and I hardly believe I should yell louder if I should see a genuine, wild-Indian than I did then. The last year or two, that we lived there we had a platform in a great spruce for the white-man's fort and our stratagems, surprises, and pitched-battles were blood-curdling in their intense reality and the neighbors said that we could be heard half-a-mile away as some body was being scalped by the wooden tomahawks or getting killed from ambush in the alders with milk-weed spears.
As Philip Deloria has shown, “playing Indian” has proved a highly durable cultural performance, a way of expressing a wide range of American virtues from the revolutionary era to the present. Sometime after 1898, the Nelsons photographed the Indian play of other, younger children, perhaps including their little brother Ernest [fig. 7]. In the boys’ own “blood-curdling” play some children must have wielded “wooden tomahawks” and “milk-weed spears,” but the “we” of Walter’s narration plays the white man. Thus, as Robin Bernstein says of the violent ways white children used their black dolls, children and their play “were not only repositories and reflectors of racist culture; they were its co-producers” (212). The exuberant creativity and pleasure of the Nelson archive are powerfully, crucially, and perhaps inextricably linked to the most exploitative and destructive aspects of American history and culture. Part of what is hidden in the charming literacy of the Nelson’s periodicals is genocide.