Hidden Literacies

Reading and Writing about a Sovereign Nation

     One literacy that Coosaponakeesa reads and then writes with over the course of the memorials is what it means to be a sovereign nation with “natural rights” in the colonial Southeast’s dynamic trans-national space. In 1747, she notes that “her Ancesstors, Tho under the Appellation of Savages, or Barbarions, were a brave and free born people, who never owed Allegiance, to or Acknowledged the sovereignty of any Crowned Head whatever, but have always maintained their own Possessions and Independency, Against all Opposers by Warr, at the Expence of their Blood; as they Can shew by the many Troophies of Victory, and Relicts of their Enimies slain in Defence of their Natural Rights.” Similarly, the 1754 memorial insists on the Creek Nation’s eternal “Independency,” in both the portion attributed to her and the portion attributed to Creek micos, but almost certainly written by her in her role as their agent and translator. Finally, in 1755, she adds language that indicates the present Creek peoples are the “Successors (Collectively) and Natural born Heirs” to the Creeks of the past. In statements like these, Coosaponakeesa perceives British principles of sovereignty as permitting alliance with but not allegiance to another nation and Crown. Her Creek ancestors were and contemporaries are free and independent and “maintain their own Possessions,” a formulation that aligns citizenship with personal status and property rights; this citizenship was endowed by God, confirmed and protected through blood and sacrifice, and continuously passed on to each successive generation in an unbroken genealogy. All of this history is at the root of Creek “natural rights.” Moreover, because elsewhere she links her inheritance and authority to her Creek kin, she also links Creek sovereignty to women’s lineages. Her marriage to Bosomworth specifically and British legal principles generally covers and replaces neither her nor Creek rights. Coosaponakeesa reads British sovereignty and then writes a Creek version into these memorials. 
<insert second four column side by side excerpt comparison here; see “insert 2.docx”>

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