Remnants of Tory Influence

During the American Revolution, political imprisonment played a significant role in the incarcerated population, particularly with the arrest of Loyalists (or “Tories”) who supported the […]

The Metal Man

Through his sculpture installation, titled The Metal Man, artist Danny Killion draws from his personal experience in prison to offer a poignant portrayal of the […]

The Treadmill

In the early 19th century, praise for a new device from England circulated around American newspapers describing an invention intended for prison labor. This device, […]

The Guardhouse

The New-Gate prison complex initially consisted of abandoned underground facilities alone, lacking any above-ground walls or barriers and accessible from a 35-foot shaft to the […]

Mine Quarters

The men incarcerated at New-Gate were kept in a pit beneath the ground in an old copper mine. Those who were incarcerated underground in Newgate […]