· Overview: Consists of a dwelling house, work shop, upper prison, and hospital. The main prison is a cavern 70 feet below the surface with 40 small lodgings. Prisoners sleep in small cribs and are not provided with straw bedding due to dampness. Guards conduct prisoners from their cells at 4am in summer and 7am in winter.
· Conditions: Prisoners employed in manufacturing nails, chained to blocks while at work. Daily allowance of provisions and clothing provided. Bibles and religious tracts provided by Bible Society. Guards consist of one Captain, Sergeant, two Corporals and fifteen Privates. 256 prisoners since establishment and some have died. No lights/fires in caverns. No reward for good behavior. Secluded from public view and out of reach of complaints.
· Health/Sanitation: No bathing facilities and prisoners are filthy/afflicted with vermin. Prisoners suffer from poor health, lack of cleanliness, shackles, and constant confinement. They wear ankle fetters, which even stay on while working and taking meals. Prisoners commonly suffer from swollen legs and leg tumors, which often develop into running sores. Contributing factors include lack of cleanliness, damp lodging, wearing shackles, constant confinement, and standing for long periods.
· Committee Suggestions: Improvements such as salted fish, Indian meal, fresh vegetables, and bathing places should be provided. Committee recommends increasing public oversight and prisoner clothing allowance, providing medicine to prisoners, and ameliorating conditions. Suggests present establishment is unsatisfactory.