I Mary the wife of the within named Tho.s [Thomas] Bosomworth do declare, that I have freely and without any compulsion, signed, Sealed & delivered, the within Instrument of writing passed between the said Thomas Bosomworth and me the said Mary on the one part, and his excellency Henry Ellis Esq.r [Esquire] of the other part, and I do declare and renounce all title or claim of Dower that I might claim or be intitled to, after the Death of my said Husband to or out of the Lands or Heredatiments2 hereby conveyed In Witness where of I have here unto set my hand & Seal the day & year first within written
Mary Bosomworth [mark]
These succinct lines are the only moment of the multi-page manuscript in which Coosaponakeesa speaks in the first person and without her husband, yet this moment also effectually silences her voice. Note that Coosaponakeesa begins this testament by identifying herself as “Mary the wife . . . of Tho.