Hidden Literacies

Phillis Wheatley as a Scribe

Julian D. Mason, Jr., notes this in a subordinate clause: “The letter, which appears to be in Phillis’s hand, indicates that she [Phillis] was not the only one with physical problems.” Mason, “Introduction,” The Poems of Phillis Wheatley, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989), 6. Mason includes the entire letter in his “Introduction” and “believe[s] this is the first time that this letter has been published in full” (7). William Robinson claims that Phillis served as a scribe for Nathaniel Wheatley on at least two occasions: for a 2 January 1770 letter to Eleazar Wheelock (linked below), and for a 12 November 1770 letter to William Channing. See Robinson, Phillis Wheatley and Her Writings (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1984), 14, 305, and 307. Vincent Carretta expresses doubt about distinguishing Phillis’s handwriting from that of Nathaniel and, thus, about Robinson’s claim (Biography, 40-41). For more on Phillis’s education, see Biography, 37-41. On her handwriting in general, see Complete Writings, 195-196. Building on Mason, I feel strongly that Phillis Wheatley served as an amanuensis for this letter. Mary married in 1771; the letter itself indicates that Mr. Wheatley was also quite ill. I find it unlikely that Nathaniel served as a scribe for this letter, given what Susanna says about him (discussed below). Further, Phillis was known to sit at Susanna’s bedside and was there when she died (Biography 143-44). Lastly, comparison among the following letters demonstrates similarity in handwriting between the 29 March letter and those known to be written by Phillis, in contrast to that known to be written by Susanna. See Susanna Wheatley to Samson Occom and Nathaniel Whitaker, 1765, https://collections.dartmouth.edu/occom/html/diplomatic/765681-2-diplomatic.html; Phillis Wheatley to Obour Tanner, 1772, https://www.masshist.org/database/viewer.php?item_id=773&mode=large&img_step=1&&br=1; Phillis Wheatley to David Wooster, 1773, https://www.masshist.org/database/viewer.php?item_id=771&mode=large&img_step=1&&br=1; and Phillis Wheatley to Samuel Hopkins, 1774, http://www.bostonliteraryhistory.com/chapter-2/phillis-wheatley-1753–1784-reverend-samuel-hopkins-1721–1803.html. The letter Robinson claims to be transcribed by Phillis for Nathaniel is from Nathaniel Wheatley to Eleazar Wheelock, 1770, https://collections.dartmouth.edu/occom/html/diplomatic/770102-diplomatic.html.

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