Articles by Subject
Audio Assignment Inspiration
- Sarah Geis. Audio Playground
- Humanities Podcast Network
Audio Fiction
- How to make an audio drama: a conversation with creators Lauren Shippen & Marc Sollinger: “Do the thing and follow your heart and hope for the best.” by Bello Collective (Bello Collective)
- “How to Become an Audio Drama Pro in Just 60 Easy Steps!: Or, how to keep making art when everything keeps falling apart” by Regan Adler (Bello Collective )
Audio Hosting:
- “Your RSS Feed: What it is, Why You Need It and How to Use it” by Georgia Grey (Spreaker)
- “Who’s the best podcast host — how to choose” by James Cridland (podnews)
- A list of podcast hosting options (continually updated) (podnews)
Audio Tours
- “Audio in Space” by Tim Halbur (Third Coast Festival)
On Copyright/Licensing:
- “Why Can’t Music Be Played In Podcasts?” by Steven Goldstein (Amplifi Media)
- “Are Transformative Fair Use Principles Foul To Musicians?” by Marc D. Ostrow (New Music USA)
Editing and Mixing:
- Audio production glossary (NPR Training)
- Ear training guide for recording, editing, and mixing (NPR Training)
Making an Outline:
- Project Blueprint. (NPR Training.)
- Mixing Audio Stories: a step-by-step guide. (NPR Training)
Podcasting and Peer Review
- Open Peer Review Podcast
- Siobhan McMenemy, ed. “Scholarly Podcasting Open Peer Review” Wilfrid Laurier University Press (2019)
Sound Archives:
Sound Design:
- Sound Design Archive. (Transom)
- Jad Abumrad. “Avoiding Cheesy Sound Design” 2017. (Transom)
- Brendan Baker and Kaitlin Prest. Sound Design 101. 2014 (Third Coast International Audio Festival)
- Tal Minear. Sound Designs: Interview with Caroline Mincks of Seen and Not Heard. 2022. (Medium).
- Rob Rosenthal. Sound Design Basics. 2017. (Transom)
- The Dan Harmon Story Circle (reedsy)
- Scott Myers. The Periodic Table of Storytelling. Blcklst. 2014
- Understanding Story Structure in 4 Drawings. NPR Training 2016.
Teaching with Podcasting
- Ashley Deal. Podcasting: A Teaching with Technology White Paper. CMU. 2007
- Teaching with Podcasts. The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. Brown University. 2022.
On using music:
- Score! Best practices for using music in audio storytelling. 2016. (NPR Training)
- Using Music Series (Transom)
Writing for Audio
Bradley Campbell. Barf Draft with an iPhone. Transom. 2015