Develop a Concept
As you develop your concept, you’ll want to consider some key considerations:
- How much time can you invest in this project?
- This could help shape your production schedule.
- Will your show produce new episodes weekly? Bi-weekly? Will you create a series of episodes to release as a season?
- Consider your audience.
- Who will this show serve? What are their needs?
- Should this be a podcast?
- Great digital projects match the medium to the message. What about your project would benefit from an audio or video podcast?
Content Development Exercise:
Pretend you’re introducing the first episode of your show. What tagline or phrase would you use to orient listeners to what your show is all about? Here is a template to use as you play with your concept:
Welcome to [title], this is the show where we talk about [subject]
Here are some taglines used by popular nonfiction narrative shows:
“Articles of Interest, a show about what we wear”
Making from WBEZ Chicago “explores how an icon is made”
Continue your concept development with an environmental scan and content inventory.